
Below the line Marketing
Mall activation are easy destinations for the people today to spend their time and we target those mall goers to participate in various kinds of promotional activities to make an appeal to them about your brand and to make you successful in your promotional goals. School activation is also there where the students and their parents....Read More

Paper Insert
The inserts help in setting your brand apart from other. It serves as an easy aisle for the customers who like to know about the best brands and services without much effort from their side. Has the maximum reachability. It has the ability to cover a huge number of audience everyday. The paper inserts serve as the connecting link between the digital and traditional advertising..... Read More

Outdoor Hoarding
The placement of the hoardings is most important for making the advertising campaign successful. The hoardings are generally placed at crucial points like programme or festival gates, strategic places like the highways or busy roads where the people will be able to see the hoardings clearly all the time. And strategically the outdoor hoardings are highly efficient in terms .... Read More

Print Media
At Ideaz for u, we always strive hard to deliver the most innovative and creative services to our clients. Our main goal is to take our clients to the peak of success through moat creative and productive marketing strategies. What do we offer.... Read More

Film PR and Branding
The benefits of film PR and branding is not limited within the boundaries of the screen exposure rather it goes way beyond that. You will be able to publicise the association of your brand with the movie by starting campaigns keyed to the film. Moreover, it is really a cost effective..... Read More

Railway ads
The railway advertisements are considered an effective form of advertising since the exposure it gets and the reachability. In India, most of the people travel by trains and it is one of the safest as well as most convenient types of transport in our country.... Read More

No Parking Sign Board
No Parking Sign Board, a widely viewed advertising. No Parking Board is an advertisement done on the society gate so that they can attract maximum number.... Read More

We organise promotional events and exhibitions for your company and help your brand to climb the steps of stardom in no time. Make a name for your own because it is now or never. From connecting your brand with a star to painting the whole town... Read More
About Us
Our Belief
Do things Right the first time, every time……..Philip Crosby
We take this as the perfect opportunity to introduce ourselves, the Ideaz for U team to you. We have a come a long way by delivering the best services to our clients so that they can get established in their respective fields. We have considerable expertise in providing the best marketing and advertising solutions to the clients to skyrocket their sales and to create a robust brand identity in the Indian market. Read More..